Ecouter une présentation de l'évènement par Olivier Ezratty le blog
The coordination of the event is under the supervision
of both EUME/GT2L for the conference and EUME/GT ROQ for the school which organized together an international joint event composed of three items:
• EUME conference sessions focusing on the last advances on metaheuristic;
For more than 2 decades, the annual European Congress on Metaheuristics (EU/Meeting) has been held in a European city. The objective is to bring together specialists in the field of optimization, and allow them to present their latest advances in terms of metaheuristic type resolution methods as well as to give tutorials on specific subjects.
For its 21st edition, EU/MEeting will take place within the University of Technology of Troyes. The theme will focus on recent advances in metaheuristic including methods based on new paradigms brought by quantum computing
The EUME conference includes two plenary talks of both Eric Taillard and Jin Kao Hao.
• tutorials on metaheuristics and quantum computing;
• a school (including practices) on quantum optimization;
The school has a specific focus on quantum "metaheuristics" including but not limited to QAOA and adiabatic optimization.
The school is dedicated to researchers and PhD students who are interested in discovering the quantum theory with application to very concrete problems including for example graph coloring, SAT and/or TSP.
• The school enclosed in introduction to configure programming environments, and make in short time the first quantum program. Jean-Michel Torres (IBM) will be in charge of the introduction the IBM
Qiskit solution, Rober Wang and Anne-Lise Guilmin charge are in charge of the introducion on the QLM Solution and Wesley Coelho in charge of the introduction of the PASQAL solution.
• The school enclosed in introduction to the QML environement;
• The examples are linked to classical well-know operational problems.
The organizers of this event will issue a certificate of participation for the doctoral schools
The event is organized by:
• Marc Sevaux (UBS)
• Caroline Prodhon (UTT)
• Eric Bourreau (LIRMM)
• Philippe Lacomme (LIMOS)
• Sonia Vanier (LIX)
• Frédéric Saubion (LERIA)
Participation is subjected to the payment of a participation fees of €180
The first 30 registered PhD students will have a promotional registration at 60€
All participants and theoritical and practical session organizers must pay the fees. The only exceptions are for the Invited Speakers ( Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel, Ch. Couteau, Ch. Artigues, Olivier Ezratty, Simon Perdrix, Jin-Kao Hao, Eric Taillard).
The 180€ are required to take in charge the coffee break, the lunches
and the extra charges.
how to participate ?
You can submit a paper or not
You can be at the conference to present your paper or just to listen the presentations
You can be at the school even if you do not present a paper
In all cases, make your registration early
how to registrer ?
Warning : the number of places being limited, we advise you to pre-register as soon as possible
STEP 2. Please download the registration form and return the form to :
Version word
Version pdf
STEP 3.Payment of the registration fees must be achieved by bank transfer :
warning : in the subject of the bank transfer, please specify the subject Quantum_Joint_Event_ and the name of the person concerned by the registration.
Bank account where to make the payment
The registration of €180 gives a full access to classes and practices, and include the coffee breaks and the lunch for
the 5 days of the event. A special meeting will be organized an evening during the week and it is also included in the fees.
Certificates of attendance will be issued and may be used by PhD studends to request validation of courses in doctoral schools.
Pour les membres des universités Françaises : pas de paiement par bon de commande
As extend abstract in pdf format of 4 pages must be sumitted to publication
by email
with a subject entitled "Paper submission" and a copy must be adressed to the chairman.
Please use the following
word template
Due date for submission : February 15th, 2023 extended to 5th march .
If you are interested to organize a session contact us by email
with a subject entitled "session submission"
• For questions or remarks : ( • Organization : Caroline Prodhon