Articles :
- Diyé Dia, Giacomo Kahn, Fabien Labernia, Yannick Loiseau, Olivier Raynaud A closed sets based learning classifier for implicit authentication in web browsing, Discrete Apply Mathematics. 273: 65-80 (2020).
- P. Colomb, A. Irlande, O. Raynaud and Y. Renaud A new generic class of Frankl's families, Elementos: Politecnico Grancolombiano Institucion Universitaria N°1:9-20 (2011).
- O. Raynaud and E. Thierry The Complexity of Embedding Orders into Small Products of Chains Order 27(3):365-381 (2010).
- M. Habib, L. Nourine, O. Raynaud and E. Thierry Computational aspects of the 2-dimension of partially ordered sets Theor. Comput. Sci. 312(2-3): 401-431 (2004).
- L. Nourine and 0. Raynaud, A fast incremental algorithm for building lattices Journal of Experimental & Theoritical Artificial Intelligence , volume 14(2002) Pages 217-227.
- L. Nourine and 0. Raynaud, A fast algorithm for building lattices Information Processing Letters, volume 71(1999) Pages 199-204.
- Y. Caseau, M. Habib, L. Nourine and O. Raynaud, Encoding of multiple inheritance hierarchy and partial orders Computational intelligence,volume 15, No 1(1999) 50-62.
- F. Dernaika, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, O. Raynaud Accountability in the A Posteriori Access Control: A Requirement and a Mechanism, QUATIC 2020: 332-342 : Faro(2020), Portugal.
- F. Dernaika, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, O. Raynaud A Posteriori Analysis of Policy Temporal Compliance, CRiSIS 2020: 133-148 : Paris(2020), France.
- F. Dernaika, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, O. Raynaud Semantic Mediation for A Posteriori Log Analysis., ARES 2019: 88:1-88:10 : Canterbury(2019), United Kindom.
- P. Colomb, A. Irlande, O. Raynaud and Y. Renaud A closure algorithm using a recursive decomposition of the set of Moore co-families, CLA : Nancy(2011), France.
- S. Chollet, V. Lestideau, P. Lalanda, P. Colomb and O. Raynaud Building FCA-based Decision Trees for the Selection of Heterogeneous Services, SCC : Washington(2011), USA.
- P. Colomb, A. Irlande, O. Raynaud and Y. Renaud About The Recursive Decomposition of The Lattice of Moore co-families, [pdf], ICFCA : Nicosia(2011), Cyprus.
- P. Colomb, A. Irlande and O. Raynaud Counting of Moore Families for n=7., ICFCA : Agadir(2010), Marocco.
- P. Colomb, O. Raynaud and E. Thierry Generalize Polychotomic Encoding: A very short bit-vector encoding of tree hierarchies., MCO : Metz/Luxembourg(2008), France/Luxembourg.
- R. Medina, L. Nourine and O. Raynaud Interactive association rules discovery., ICFCA : Dresden (2006), Germany.
- R. Medina, C. Noyer and O. Raynaud Efficients algorithms for clone itemsets detection., Cla : Olomouc (2005), Czech Republics.
- O. Raynaud and E.Thierry A quasi optimal bit-vector encoding of tree hierarchies. Application to efficient type inclusion tests archives., Ecoop : Budapest (2001), Hongria.
- J.M. Lanlignel, O. Raynaud et E. Thierry, Pruning graph with digital search trees. Application to distance-hereditary graphs, STACS 2000.
- M. Habib and L. Nourine and O. Raynaud, A new lattice-based heuristic for taxonomy encoding, International KRUSE Symposium : Knowledge Retrieval, Use and Storage for Efficiency. Vancouver (1997), 60-71.
- P. Colomb, A. Irlande, O. Raynaud and Y. Renaud A decomposition approach to generate union-closed sets of a set family, 8FCC : Paris(2010), France
- P. Colomb, A. Irlande, O. Raynaud and Y. Renaud A new generic class of Frankl's families, 8FCC : Paris(2010), France
- O. Raynaud and E. Thierry The Complexity Of Embedding Orders Into Small Products Of Chains, ROGICS : Mahdia(2008), Tunisie
- R. Medina, C. Noyer and O. Raynaud Twin vertices in hypergraphs., ODSA : Rostock (2006), Germany.
- K. Bertet, R. Medina, L. Nourine et O. Raynaud, Algorithmique combinatoire dans les bases de données massives AFIA-2003.
- S. Bachelard, O. Raynaud and Y. Renaud Implementing collection of sets with tries : a stepping step for performances, POSTER CLA06 : (2006), Tunisie.