
Here is the exhaustive list of publications I co-authored.
My Google scholar entries.
Journal Conference Preprint Thesis Book


  1. Benjamin Antunes, Claude Mazel, Philippe Lacomme and David R.C Hill Test de reproductibilité de l'algorithme de Grover sur simulateur et sur machines quantiques IBM. Roadef (2024) HAL
    Benjamin Antunes and David R.C. Hill Reproducibility, Replicability, and Repeatability: A survey of reproducible research with a focus on high performance computing. arXiv:2402.07530 (2024) arXiv
    Benjamin Antunes and David R.C Hill Reproducibility, energy efficiency and performance of pseudorandom number generators in machine learning: a comparative study of python, numpy, tensorflow, and pytorch implementations. arXiv:2401.17345 (2024) arXiv


  1. Benjamin Antunes and David R.C Hill Identifying Quality Mersenne Twister Streams For Parallel Stochastic Simulations. arXiv:2401.17115 (2023) arXiv
  2. Benjamin Antunes and David R.C Hill Evaluating simultaneous multi-htreading and affiniy performance for reproducible parallel stochastic simulation. Research Reports in Computer Science (2023) RRCS
  3. David R.C Hill, Benjamin Antunes, Thomas Cluzel and Claude Mazel. A few words about quantum computing, epistemology, repeatability and reproducibility. EU/MEeting(2023) HAL


  1. Benjamin Antunes and David R.C Hill. Utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle distribuée pour des simulations reproductibles de l'épidémie de Covid19. Giseh (2022) HAL
  2. David R.C Hill and Benjamin Antunes. Reproductibilité et modèles Covid: Un modèle multi-agents. Journées DEVS Francophones - Convergences entre la Théorie de la Modélisation et de la Simulation et les Systèmes multi-agents (2022) HAL