HomePage of Philippe Lacomme

Philippe Lacomme

Depuis 1999, je suis enseignant-chercheur. Mes activités de recherche soint orientées principalement autour des problèmes de tournées et d'ordonnancement.

Instances with Generic Time Lags


M.J. Huguet

P. Lacomme

N. Tchernev

Last Update: November 2011.

This web page provide a full description of the instances for the Job-Shop with Generic Time Lags

Détails of instancces:


GTL Instances  

Intances  :  instance_GTL.rar


These instances are composed of two sets : 

- set 1 which is extention of the Carlier's instances

- set 2 which is extention of the Laurence's instances.

GTL Instances : optimal and best known solutions

Solutions found by Cplex using 1h for Computational Time Limits

n : number of job to schedule

m : number of machines

nb row : number of row in the linear program after Cplex simplification

nb Col : number of columns in the linear program after Cplex simplification

PL Sol. : best solution found

Time : Time to the best ( = 3600 if Cplex failed)

Carlier's instances

Laurence's instances


If you found better solutions (not better than the lower bound of course !)  please send us detail to update this page.


Dernière mise à jour : 12 novembre 2011