Research articles in Journals, books & book chapters and conference proceedings with IPC


work in progress ;-)


Preprints – 2 articles under review (Journals) and a book to be published;


ANTUNES B., HILL D., “Reproducibility, Replicability, and Repeatability: A survey of reproducible research with a focus on high performance computing”. 2024. 30 p. hal-04450487v2

ANTUNES B., HILL D., “RECHERCHE REPRODUCTIBLE : Comment les outils informatiques et le calcul scientifique impactent bien des disciplines". 150 p. Ouvrage à paraître. Altam hal-04572565

ANTUNES B., HILL D., “Reproducibility, energy efficiency and performance of pseudorandom number generators in machine learning: a comparative study of python, numpy, tensorflow, and pytorch implementations”, 2024. hal-04434430




[288] MOUSSA ISSA M., CHARTRAIN A., VIGUIER F., LANDES B., DESSAGNE G., HADDAD N., HILL D., “Railway system Digital Twin: a tool for extended enterprises to perform multimodal transportation in a decarbonization context”, Transport Research Arena (TRA), Dublin, April 15th to 18th, 2024, to be appear as a Spinger Book Chapter.

[287] CHARTRAIN A., DESSAGNE G, HADDAD N., HILL D., “Retrospective on the Digital Twin concept and perspectives for railways: the case of SNCF Réseau”. 2ème Congrès Annuel de la SAGIP (SAGIP '24), Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP), 28-31 May 2024, Lyon, France. 3 p.

[286] ANTUNES B., MAZEL C., LACOMME P. HILL, D., "Test de reproductibilité de l’algorithme de Grover sur simulateur et sur machines quantiques IBM", ROADEF '24, 5-8 Mars 2024, Amiens, France. 

[285] HILL D., « Balancing Act: Éthique et avancées quantiques dans la recherche opérationnelle », ROADEF '24, 5-8 Mars 2024, Amiens, France.

[284] CHARTRAIN A., DESSAGNE G., HADDAD N., HILL D.. “Vers une simulation globale du système ferroviaire : atout pour l'aide à la décision guidée par l'analyse de risques". ROADEF '24, 5-8 Mars 2024, Amiens, France.

[283] MASCART C., HILL D., MUZY A. et REYNAUD-BOURET P., “Efficient simulation of sparse graphs of point processes”, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 33, Issue 1-2, Article No.: 1, pp. 1–27, 2023.

[282] ANTUNES B., HILL D., “Evaluating Simultaneous Multi-threading and Affinity Performance for Reproducible Parallel Stochastic Simulation”, Research Reports on Computer Science. 2023, p. 91-110.

[281] ANTUNES A., HILL D, “Identifying Quality Mersenne Twister Streams For Parallel Stochastic Simulations”. ACM/SIGSIM, IEEE, Winter Simulation Conference 2023, Dec 2023, San Antonio, United States. 12 p.

[280] HILL D., ANTUNES B., CLUZEL T., MAZEL C., “A few words about quantum computing, epistemology, repeatability and reproducibility”. EU/MEeting 2023, Apr 2023, Troyes (France), France, 4p.

[279] BOYER A., HAEN C, STAGNI F., HILL D., “DIRAC Site Director: Improving Pilot-Job provisioning on grid resources”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 133, August 2022, pp. 23-38.

[278] BISGAMBIGLIA P.-A., QUESNEL G., DUBOZ R., MICHEL F., HILL D., JFMS 2022 - Actes des Journées DEVS Francophones de la modélisation et de la simulation – Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles pour la Théorie de la Modélisation et de la Simulation et les Systèmes Multi-Agents. 31 mars au 2 avril, IES Cargèse, France, Cépaduès éditions.

[277] HILL D., « Reproducibility of simulations and High Performance Computing », Keynote speech, 36th annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ISEP Porto – Portugal. October 26-28, 2022, pp. 5-9.

[276] ANTUNES B. et HILL D., « Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle distribuée pour des simulations reproductibles de l’épidémie de covid19 », Conférence Francophone en Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers (Giseh 2022) – Saint-Etienne, 06 au 08 juillet 2022, 8 p.   

[275] BOYER A., HAEN C, STAGNIA F., HILL D., “Pilot-job provisioning on grid resources: Collecting analysis and performance evaluation data”, Data in Brief, vol. 42, April 2022, pp. 1-7.

[274] HILL D. et ANTUNES B., "Reproductibilité et modèles Covid – un modèle multi-agents", « Actes des Journées DEVS Francophones - Convergences entre la Théorie de la Modélisation et de la Simulation et les Systèmes multi-agents, 28 Mars – 1er Avril 2022, IES Cargèse, France. 2022, pp. 35-53.

[273] BISGAMBIGLIA P.A. et HILL D, Reproductibilité numérique : enjeux de crédibilité pour les expériences de simulation, 1024, BULLETIN de la société informatique de France Avril 2022, numéro 19, pp. 137-144. Invited paper.

[272] BOYER A.F., HAEN C., STAGNI F. AND HILL D.R.C., “A Subset of the CERN Virtual Machine File System: Fast Delivering of Complex Software Stacks for Supercomputing Resources”, International Conference on High Performance Computing ISC High Performance 2022: High Performance Computing, pp. 354–371.

[271] HILL D., "Le numérique actuel est-il durable ?", TERINT 2021 – 1er Colloque 2021 sur l’émergence de TERritoires INTelligents, du 24 au 26 juin 2021, invited speaker, Cozzano, pp. 1-10.

[270] BOYER, A., HILL, D., HAEN, C., STAGNI, F., “Pilot-Job Provisioning through Cream Computing Elements on the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid”. In 34th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM), Oct. 2020, Toulouse, France, pp. 33-38.

[269] HILL D., « Bug », chapitre dans I. Fernandes, H. Galinon, J.-P. Luis, E. Roussel, M. Streith (éd.), Abécédaire de la rupture, Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2020, pp. 45-48.

[268] PEREDA A., HILL D., MAZEL C., BACHELET B., “Repeatability with Random Numbers Using Algorithmic Skeletons”. In 34th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM), Oct 2020, Toulouse, France. pp. 39-46.

[267] BISGAMBIGLIA P.-A., QUESNEL G., DUBOZ R., MICHEL F., HILL D., ZACHAREWICZ G., FRANCESCHINI R, JFMS 2020 - Actes des Journées DEVS Francophones - Convergences entre la Théorie de la Modélisation et de la Simulation et les Systèmes multi-agents, JFMS - Les Journées Francophones de la Modélisation et de la Simulation, Nov 2020, Cargèse.

[266] PEREDA A., HILL D., MAZEL C., BACHELET B., “Processing algorithmic skeletons at compile-time”, 21ème congrès de la société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2020, 2 p.

[265] PEREDA A., HILL D., MAZEL C., BACHELET B., “Algorithmic Skeletons Using Template Metaprogramming”, Ext. Asb. In proc. of the 14th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology, ICAST 2019, November 28-30, 2019 Kumamoto University, Japan, pp. 204-205. Best paper presentation award.

[264] HILL D., "Repeatability, Reproducibility, Computer Science and High Performance Computing Stochastic simulations can be reproducible too…”, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2019) ACM/IEEE/IFIP, 15-19 July 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Invited speaker, ext. abs. pp. 323-324.

[263] PEREDA A., HILL D., MAZE C., BACHELET. B., “Modeling Algorithmic Skeletons for Automatic Parallelization Using Template Metaprogramming”, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2019) ACM/IEEE/IFIP, 15-19 July 2019, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 265-272.

[262] PEREDA A., HILL D., MAZEL C., BACHELET B., “Parallel Algorithmic Skeletons for Metaheuristics", 20ème congrès de la société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), 2019, 3 p.

[261] HILL D., DAO V.T., Mazel C., Breton V., « Répétabilité et reproductibilité numérique : Constats, conseils et bonnes pratiques pour le cas des simulations stochastiques parallèles et distribuées », Technique et Science Informatiques, Article de synthèse, Volume 36 – n° 3-4/2017, pp. 243-272.

[260] CLUZEL T., MAZEL C., HILL D., “Quantum computing : a short introduction. [Research Report RR-2019-03778746] LIMOS (UMR CNRS 6158), Université Clermont Auvergne, France, 2019.

[259] FRANCESCHINI R., BISGAMBIGLIA P-A, BISGAMBIGLIA P., HILL D., « An overview of the Quartz modelling and simulation framework”, 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), ACM SIGSIM, Porto Portugal July 29-31st 2018, pp. 120-127.

[258] PEREDA A., HILL D., MAZEL C., BACHELET B., “Static Loop Parallelization Decision Using Template Metaprogramming”, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2018) IEEE, 16-20 July 2018, Orléans France, pp 1016-1021.

[257] FRANCESCHINI R., BISGAMBIGLIA P-A, HILL D., “Reproducibility  study of a DEVS model application to fire spreading”, Summer Simulation Multi-Conference 2018, SCS/IEEE/ACM, July 9-12 July, Bordeaux, France, Invited Paper, pp. 382-392.

[256] CONGO F.Y.P., TRAORE M.K., HILL D., “Computation operations caching for numerical repeatability”, Summer Simulation Multi-Conference 2018, SCS/IEEE/ACM, July 9-12 July, Bordeaux, France, pp. 370-381.

[255] BISGAMBIGLIA, P.-A., QUESNEL, G., DUBOZ, R., ZACHAREWICZ, G., AND HILL, D. (2018). Actes des Journées DEVS Francophones (JDF2018) : Théorie et applications, Workshop RED. Cépadues. Cépaduès édtions, Cargèse (Corse), 120 p.

[254] HILL D., « Numerical reproducibility of Parallel and Distributed Stochastic Simulations using High Performance Computing ». Chapter 4 in Computational Frameworks: Systems, Models and Applications, Published by Eslevier – ISBN: 9781785482564, 2017, pp.95-110.

[253] JAZIRI F., PEYRETAILLADE E., PEYRET P., HILL D., “High performance computing of oligopeptides complete backtranslation applied to DNA microarray probe design”. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2016, Vol. 28 n°7, pp. 2073-2091

[252] MUZY A., LERASLE M., GRAMMONT F., DAO V.T., HILL D., “Parallel and pseudorandom discrete event system specification vs. networks of spiking neurons: Formalization and preliminary implementation results”, IEEE HPCS, 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 925 – 934.

[251] DAO V.T., BRETON V., QUANG Q.N., HILL D., “La reproductibilité des simulations stochastiques parallèles et distribuées utilisant le calcul à haute performance”, Journées DEVS Francophones 2016: Théorie et applications, workshop RED, ISBN978.2.36493.539.63, 2016, pp. 109-117.

[250] HILL D., “Parallel Random Numbers, Simulation and Reproducible Research”. IEEE CISE  - Computing in Science and Engineering, Invited Paper, Volume:17,  Issue: 4, 2015, pp. 66 – 71.

[249] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., MAZEL C., HILL D., “TaskLocal-Random: a statistically sound substitute to pseudorandom number generation in parallel java tasks frameworks”. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol 27, n°13. 2015. pp. 3383-3398.

[248] SCHWEITZER P., CIPIÈRE S., DUFAURE A., PAYNO H., PERROT Y., HILL D. and MAIGNE L., "Performance evaluation of multi-threaded Geant4 simulations using an Intel Xeon Phi cluster", Scientific Programming, in Press, Received 3 June 2015; Revised 29 September 2015; Accepted 8 October 2015, vol. 2015, Article ID 980752, 10 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/980752.

[247] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., CAUX J., SCHWEITZER P.,  SIREGARD P., HILL D., “Harnessing aspect oriented programming on GPU: application to warp-level parallelism (WLP)”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015, pp. 158-175.

[246] BARBIER G., CUCCHI V., HILL D., “Model-driven engineering applied to crop modeling’, Ecological Informatics, Volume 26, Part 2, March 2015, Pages 173–181.          

[245] HILL D., F. CONGO, V.T. DAO, “Numerical Reproducibility for Parallel Stochastic Simulation “Exascale Ready”, Super Computing 2015, Austin Texas, Numerical Reproducibility Workshop, ACM, pp. 1-3.

[244] SCHWEITZER P., MAZEL C., CÂRLOGANU C., HILL D.R.C., « Performance analysis with a memory-bound Monte Carlo simulation on Xeon Phi », International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation HPCS 2015, ACM/IEEE/IFIP, Amsterdam, July 20th-25, 2015, pp. 444-452.

[243] JAZIRI F., RIBIERE C., GASC C., PARISOT N., DEFOIS C., BEUGNOT R., APPADOO O.K., PEYRETAILLADE E., HILL D., PEYRET P., “Propositional Logic for Efficient Microbial Community Assessment by DNA Microarray Data Analysis”,  JOBIM, Clermont-Fd, 6-9 Juillet, 2015, pp. 1-9.

[242] DAO V.T., BRETON V., NGUYEN H.Q., HILL D., “Numerical reproducibility for high performance computing: The case of parallel stochastic simulations”, in Proceeding of the 9th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology, ICAST 2014 Dec. 11-12 2014, pp. 139-140.

[241] HILL D., “Simulations stochastiques et calcul à haute performance : la « parallélisation » des générateurs de nombres pseudo-aléatoires”, in Modéliser et Simuler (epistemologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation), Frank Varenne et Marc Silberstein Editeurs, Tome 2, vol2, à paraître aux Editions Matériologiques, collection Science et Philosophie, 19 p. 2014.

[240] JAZIRI, F., MISSAOUI, M., PARISOT N., ABID, A., DENONFOUX, J., RIBIERE, C., BOUCHER, D., BRUGERE, J.F., MAHUL, A., HILL, DRC, PEYRETAILLADE, E. AND PEYRET, P. (2014b) PhylODb: a 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe database for prokaryotic identification, Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2014, 1-7.

[239] JAZIRI F.., PEYRETAILLADE E., MOHIEDDINE M., PARISOT N., CIPIERE S., DENONFOUX J., MAHUL A., PEYRET P., HILL D., “Large Scale Explorative Oligonucleotide Probe Selection for Thousands of Genetic Groups on a Computing Grid: Application to Phylogenetic Probe Design using a Curated Small SubUnit Ribosomal RNA Gene Database”, Scientific World Journal IF (IF 1.730), Accepted December 5th 2013, vol. 2014, Article ID 350487, 9 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/350487.

[238] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., HILL D. “OpenCL: A Suitable Solution to Simplify and Unify High Performance Computing Developments”. Chapter 8 in F. Magoul`es, (Editor), Patterns for Parallel Programming on GPUs. Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2014, pp. 189-209.

[237] SCHWEITZER P., MAZEL C., CÂRLOGANU C., HILL D., A method for porting HEP software Geant4 and ROOT to Intel Xeon Phi hardware accelerator, European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Oct. 22-24, 2014, Porto, Portugal, 6 p. (to be published).

[236] DAO V.T., MAIGNE L., BRETON V., NGUYEN H.Q., HILL D., “Numerical Reproducibility, Portability And Performance Of Modern Pseudo Random Number Generators : Preliminary study for parallel stochastic simulations using hybrid Xeon Phi computing processors”, European Simulation And Modelling Conference, Oct. 22-24, 2014, Porto, Portugal, pp. 80-87.

[235] FRANCESCHINI R., BISGAMBIGLIA P-A., TOURAILLE L., BISGAMBIGLIA P and HILL D., “ A survey of modelling and simulation software frameworks using Discrete Event System Specification”, ACM ICCSW’14, Sept. 25-26th , 2014, London Imperial College, 7 p. (voir proceedings - manque n° de pages)

[234] HILL D., “Challenges for Benchmarking, profiling and performance evaluation in the era of Exascale”, Invited Paper – IEEE Explorer, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, ACM/IEEE/IFIP – 2 p., Bologna July 25th-29th, 2014, Invited Plenary paper, 1035 - 1036, DOI:10.1109/HPCSim.2014.6903809.

[233] SCHWEITZER P., MAZEL C., CÂRLOGANU C., HILL D., “Inputs of Aspect Oriented Programming for the Profiling of C++ Parallel Applications on Manycore Platforms”, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, ACM/IEEE/IFIP – WIP, Bologna July 25th-29th, 2014, pp. 793-802.

[232] CIPIERE S., ERETEO G., GAIGNARD A., BOUJELBEN N., GASPARD S., BRETON V., CERVENANSKY F., HILL D., GLATARD T., MANSET D., MONTAGNAT J., REVILLARD J. and MAIGNE L., “Global Initiative for Sentinel e-Health Network on Grid (GINSENG), Medical data integration and semantic developments for epidemiology”, CCGrid Health, In conjunction with CCGrid 2014, 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 26-29, 2014, Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 755-763.

[231] FRANCESCHINI R., BISGAMBIGLIA P-A., BISGAMBIGLIA P., HILL D., “DEVS-Ruby: a Domain Specific Language for DEVS Modeling and Simulation”, In DEVS 2014, Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, 2014, Tampa – FL – USA, pp. 393-398.

[230] LARDY R., BACHELET B, BELLOCCHI G., HILL D, “Towards vulnerability minimization of grassland Soil Organic Matter using metamodels”, Environmental Modelling & Software, ENVSOFT-D-13-00648R2, Accepted paper to be published in 2013.

[229] MAIRE V., GROSS N., WIRTH C., HILL D., SOUSSANA JF, ‘Disentangling coordination among functional traits using an individual-centred model: Impact on plant performance at intra- and inter-specific levels’, PLoS ONE, PONE-D-12-04213R3, October 2013, Volume 8, Issue 10, pp. 1-16.

[228] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., CAUX J., SCHWEITZER P., SIREGARD P., HILL D., “Harnessing aspect oriented programming on GPU: application to warp-level parallelism (WLP)”, The International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, to be published. Extended version of a best paper.

[227] BARBIER G., CUCCHI V., PINET F., HILL D., “Domain-Specific Modeling for a Crop Model Factory”, International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 4(2), April-June 2013, pp. 38-50.

[226] TOTTEYA W., DENONFOUXA J., JAZIRI F., PARISOT N., MISSAOUI M., HILL D., BORRELA G., PEYRETAILLADE E., ALRICA M., HARRISC H., JEFFERY IB, CLAESSON MJ, O’TOOLE PW, PEYRET P, BRUGÈRE JF, “The human Gut Chip ‘HuGChip’ an explorative phylogenetic microarray for determining gut microbiome diversity at Family level, PLoS ONE (2013), 8(5): e62544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062544

[225] SMARI W., FIORE S., HILL D., “High Performance Computing and Simulation: Architectures, Systems, Algorithms, Technologies, Services and Applications”, Editorial of the special Issue for High Performance Computing and Simulation. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, June 2013, Vol. 25, Issue 10, pp. 1313-1318.

[224] HILL D. PASSERAT-PALMBACH J. MAZEL C., TRAORE, M.K., "Distribution of Random Streams for Simulation Practitioners", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, June 2013, Vol. 25, Issue 10, pp. 1427-1442.

[223] MAIRE V., SOUSSANA J-F, GROSS N., BACHELET B., MARTIN R., PAGES L., REINHOLD T., WIRTH C. & HILL D. Plasticity of plant form and function sustains productivity and dominance along environment and competition gradients. A modeling experiment with Gemini. Ecological Modelling, 2013, Vol. 254, pp. 80-91.

[222] MUZY A., VARENNE F., ZEIGLER B.P., CAUX J., COQUILLARD P., TOURAILLE L., MICHEL O. & HILL D. (2012), “Refounding of Activity Concept: Towards a Federative Paradigm for Modeling and Simulation”, SIMULATION, February 2013. Vol. 89 N°2, pp. 156-177.

[221] GRAUX A-I, MOREAU JC., RAYNAL H., RUGET F., CARRERE P., FAVERDIN P., HILL D., ‘Adaptation des systèmes d’élevage bovin au changement climatique : intérêt, limites et perspectives des approches de modélisation’, Fourrages, to be published 2013.

[220] MUZY A., MICHEL O.,  HILL D., Proceedings of the Activity-based Modeling & Simulation 2012 – Paris, 28 Mai – 1er JuinCargese CNRS Seminar, ITM Web of Conference, EDP Sciences, 2013.

[219] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J. AND HILL D. “OpenCL: A Suitable Solution to Simplify and Unify High Performance Computing Developments”. Chapter 8 in F. Magoul`es, (Editor), Patterns for Parallel Programming on GPUs. Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, Scotland, pp. 189-209.

[218] BARBIER G., CUCCHI V., PINET F., HILL D., “CMF – A Crop Model Factory to improve scientific models development process”. Chapter 6, in Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering, edited by Vicente García Díaz, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, Begoña Cristina Pelayo García-Bustelo, and Oscar Sanjuán Martinez. 2013, pp. 181-195.

[217] BARBIER G., CUCCHI V., HILL D., “Contribution of model-driven engineering to crop modeling”, In International Workshop on Agricultural and Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems in conjunction with The 2013 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2013), June 24-27, 2013, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (To be published as a LNCS), 12 p.

[216] FAOUZI J., PEYRETAILLADE E., PEYRET P., HILL D., “Fast Distributed Computing for Complete Large Scale Backtranslation of Oligopeptides: Application to probe design”, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, ACM/IEEE/IFIP, Helsinki July 1st-5th, 2013, pp. 251-258.

[215] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., REUILLON R., MAZEL, C., HILL D., “Prototyping Parallel Simulations on Manycore Architectures Using Scala: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, ACM/IEEE/IFIP, Helsinki July 1st-5th, 2013, pp. 405-412.

[214] SCHWEITZER, P., MAZEL, C., FEHR, F., CÂRLOGANU, C., HILL D., “Proper parallel Monte Carlo for computed tomography of volcanoes”, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, ACM/IEEE/IFIP, Helsinki July 1st-5th, 2013, pp. 519-526.

[213] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., CAUX J., LE PENNEC Y., REUILLON R., JUNIER I., KEPES F., HILL D., “Parallel Stepwise Stochastic Simulation: Harnessing GPUsto Explore Possible Futures States of a Chromosome Folding Model Thanks to the Possible Futures Algorithm (PFA)”, Sigsim PADS 2013, May 19-22, Montreal, pp 169-177.

[212] DUGAT-BONY E., PEYRETAILLADE E., PARISOT N., BIDERRE-PETIT C., JAZIRI F., HILL D., RIMOUR S., PEYRET P., Detecting unknown sequences with DNA microarrays: explorative probe design strategies, Environmental microbiology. 2012; 14(2):356-71.

[211] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., HILL D., MAZEL C., Pseudo-random streams for distributed and parallel stochastic simulations on GP-GPU, Advance online publication, 22 June 2012; doi:10.1057/jos.2012.8, Journal of Simulation (2012) 6, 141–151.

[210] MAIRE V., SOUSSANA J-F, GROSS N., BACHELET B., MARTIN R., PAGES L., HILL D. & WIRTH  C.(2012) GEMINI: a grassland model simulating the role of plant traits for community dynamics and ecosystem functioning: Part I: Parameterization and Evaluation. Ecological Modelling 231: 134-145.

[209] REUILLON R., TRAORE M.K., PASSERAT J., HILL D., “Parallel stochastic simulations with rigorous distribution of pseudo-random numbers with DistMe: Application to Life Science simulations”, Concurrency and Computation, Practice & Experience, in special Issue for High Performance Computing and Simulation, W. Samari Ed, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.1883. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. 2012, Vol. 24, pp. 723–738

[207] TOURAILLE L., CAUX J. HILL D., “Optimizing discrete modeling and simulation for Real Time constraints” in Real-time Simulation Technologies: Principles, Methodologies, and Applications, de K. Popovici et P. J. Mosterman. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2012: pp. 95-119.

[206] JAZIRI F., HILL D., PARISOT N., DENONFOUX J., DUGAT-BONY E., PEYRETAILLADE E., PEYRET P., “MetaExploArrays : a large-scale oligonucleotide probe design software for explorative DNA microarrays”, IEEE PDCAT 2012, 13th International Conf. On Paralell and Distributed Systems, 14-16 Decembre, Pekin, Chine, ISBN 978-0-7695-4879-1, pp. 664-671.

[205] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., FOREST A., PAL J., CORBARA B., HILL D., “Automatic Parallelization of a Gap Model using Java and OpenCL”, ESM 2012, The 2012 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Essen, Germany, Oct. 22-24, pp. 24-31.

[204] BARBIER G., FLUSIN J., CUCCHI V., PINET F., HILL D, “Vine Model Design using a Domain Specific Modeling Language : Prototype & Proof of Concept”, ESM 2012, The 2012 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Essen, Germany, Oct. 22-24, pp. 100-106.

[203] CIPIERE S., DE VLIEGER P., SARAMIA D., HILL D., MAIGNE L., “Development of a metamodel for medical database management on a grid network Application to Health Watch and epidemiology for cancer and perinatal health.”, CCGrid 2012 — The 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing. au sein du Workshop on Modeling and Simulation on Grid and Cloud Computing (MSGC 2012), pp 892-897.

[202] LARDY, R., MARTIN, R., BACHELET, B., HILL, D., R., C., BELLOCCHI, B., 2012b Ecosystem Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Framework. iEMSs 2012, 6th Biennial Meeting of International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. Seppelt, R., Voinov, A., A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D., (Eds.), 1-5 July, 2012, Leipzig, Germany, 777-784. Best paper award.

[201] LARDY, R., GRAUX, A-I., BACHELET, B., HILL, D., R., C., BELLOCCHI, G., 2012a. Steady-state soil organic matter approximation model: application to the Pasture Simulation Model. iEMSs 2012, 6th Biennial Meeting of International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. Seppelt, R., Voinov, A., A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D., (Eds.), 1-5 July, 2012, Leipzig, Germany, 769-776.

[200] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., MAZEL C., HILL D., “ThreadLocalMRG32k3a: A Statistically Sound Substitute to Pseudorandom Number Generation in Parallel Java Applications”, IEEE, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012), Madrid, pp. 543-550. Nominated for the HPCS 2012 Outstanding Paper Award.

[199] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., HILL D., “How to Correctly Deal with Pseudorandom Numbers in Manycore Environments? Application to GPU Programming with Shoverand”, IEEE, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012), Madrid, Tutorial paper, pp. 25-31.

[198] HILL D., “How do we safely distribute random streams to our parallel stochastic models”, Asian Simulation Technology Conference, February 24-26, 2012, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, Tutorial paper, pp. 5-10.

[197] CIPIERE S., BRETON V., DE VLIEGER P., GASPARD S., GERBAUD L., LEGER S., LELONG A., XINRAN L., MANSET D., OUCHCHANE L., REVILLARD J., SARRAMIA D., HILL D., MAIGNE L., "GINSENG , une infrastructure de grille au service de l’e-santé et de l’épidémiologie", GISEH 2012, 30/8 au 1/9 Quebec, Canada, Digital Proceedings, 9 p.

[196] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J. HILL D., « Génération parallèle de nombres pseudo-aléatoires pour le calcul à haute performance. Application aux processeurs de type GP-GPU. 16ème JSED SPI, Modélisation de systèmes complexes en lien avec l’expérimentation, Approches Interdisciplinaires, 25-26 Juin 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, ISSN 0249-7042, N°124 (56), pp. 33,42. Best paper award.

[195] DUGAT-BONY E., PEYRETAILLADE E., PARISOT N., BIDERRE-PETIT C., JAZIRI F., HILL D., RIMOUR S., PEYRET P., Detecting unknown sequences with DNA microarrays: explorative probe design strategies, Environmental Microbiology, 2011, accepted, to be published. Doi :10.1111/J.1462-2920.2011.02559.x.

[194] BRETON V., HILL D., MAIGNE L., SARAMIA D., “Eight years using grids for life sciences”, in Collaborative Computational Technologies for Biomedical Research edited by Sean Ekins, Maggie A. Hupcey, and Antony J. Williams, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2011. pp. 221-240.

[193] CAUX J., SIREGAR P., HILL D., "Accelerating 3D Cellular automata computation with GP GPU in the context of multiscale integrative biology", Chapter 20 in Cellular Automata - Innovative Modelling for Science and Engineering, Alejandro Salcido Ed., ISBN: 978-953-307-172-5, InTech, 2011, pp. 411-426.

[192] MUZY A., HILL D., "What Is New With The Activity World View In Modeling And Simulation? Using Activity As A Unifying Guide For Modeling And Simulation”, IEEE/SMC – ACM/SIGSIM- Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference S. Jain, R.R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K.P. White, and M. Fu, eds. Invited Paper, 13 p.

[191] JAZIRI F., MISSAOUI M., CIPIERE S., PEYRET P., HILL D., "Large Scale Parallelization Method of 16S rRNA Probe Design Algorithm on Distributed Architecture: Application to Grid Computing", IEEE ICI2011, International Conference on Informatics and Computational Intelligence, Bandung, Indonesia, 12-14 December 2011 (accepted for publication).

[190]TOURAILLE L., LETAGNEAUX A., MOULY D., LEROY A., BAS D., KERUZEC J. MAZEL C., MUZY A., HILL D., "Spatial Simulation of A(H1N1) Influenza Virus Spreading. Comparison with Regional Data", ESM 2011, Oct. 24-26, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. 365-371.

[189] BARBIER G., PINET F., HILL D., "MDE in Action: First Steps Towards a Crop Model Factory", ESM 2011, Oct. 24-26, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. 130-137.

[188] LARDY R., BELLOCCHI G., BACHELET B., HILL D., "Climate Change vulnerability assessment with constrained design of experiments, using a model driven approach", ESM 2011, Oct. 24-26, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. 354-362.

[187] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., CAUX J., SIREGAR P., MAZEL C., HILL D., "Warp-Level Parallelism : Enabling Multiple Replications in Parallel on GPU", ESM 2011, Oct. 24-26, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. 76-83, Best paper award.

[186] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., MAZEL C., BACHELET B., HILL D., “ShoveRand: a model-driven framework to easily generate random numbers on GP-GPU”, IEEE, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2011), Istanbul, accepted for publication, pp. 41-48.

[185] HILL D., " Distribution of Random Streams in Stochastic Models in the age of multi-core and manycore processors”, 25th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2011), Keynote speech, p. 2.

[184] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., MAZEL C., HILL D., "Pseudo-Random Number Generation on GP-GPU", 25th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2011), pp. 146-153.

[183] TOURAILLE, L., TRAORE, M. K., & HILL, D., “A Model-Driven Software Environment for Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Complex Systems”, Proceedings of the 2011 SpringSim Multiconference, Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Mod4Sim, pp. 237-245.

[182] LARDY, R., GRAUX, A.-I., GAURUT, M., BELLOCCHI, G., HILL, D., "Model Driven Reverse Engineering For A Grassland Model With Design Of Experiment In The Context Of Climate Change", Summer Simulation Conference 2011, The Hague, 27-29 June, Book 3, pp. 199-206.

[181] JAZIRI F., CIPIERE S., MISSAOUI M., DENONFOUX J., DUGAT-BONY E., PARISOT N., MAHUL A., RIMOUR S., PEYRETAILLADE E., PEYRET P., HILL D., "Détermination de sondes oligonucléotidiques pour biopuces phylogénétiques en environnement grille de calcul.", Rencontres Scientifiques France Grilles, Lyon 2011, 4 p.

[180] FILIPPI J-B, MORANDINI F., BALBI J-H, HILL D., “Discrete Event Front-tracking Simulation of a Physical Fire-spread Model”, SIMULATION, October 2010, vol. 86, N°. 10, 629-646.

[179] MUZY A., CANCELLIERI D., HILL D., “SIMULATION of fire spread: Physics-inspired and chemistry-based mathematical analogues”, Handbook of  Models used in Ecosystem and Environmental Management Edited by Sven Erik Jørgensen, published by CRC Press, pp. 477-497, 2011.

[178] MUZY A., HILL D., "Design and stochastic modeling strategies for the simulation of large (spatial) distributed systems", Discrete Event Simulation and Modeling: Theory and Applications, Ed. G. Wainer & P.J. Mosterman, Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN 9781420053364, Chapter 13, pp.331-355, 2010.

[177] FILIPPI JB, KOMATSU T., HILL D., “Environmental models in DEVS, different approches for different application.”, Discrete Event Simulation and Modeling: Theory and Applications, Ed. G. Wainer & P.J. Mosterman, Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN 9781420053364, Chapter 14, pp.357-386, 2010.

[176] WAINER G.A., AL-ZOUBI K., DALLE O., HILL D., MITTAL S., RISCO MARTÍN J.L., SARJOUGHIAN H, TOURAILLE L., TRAORE M.K., ZEIGLER B.P., "DEVS Standardization : Foundation and trends", in Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Application, Gabriel A. Wainer, Pieter Mosterman, Taylor & Françis, ISBN 9781420053364, Chapter 15, pp.389-391, 2010.

[175] WAINER G.A., AL-ZOUBI K., HILL D., MITTAL S., RISCO MARTÍN J.L., SARJOUGHIAN H, TOURAILLE L., TRAORE M.K., ZEIGLER B.P., "An Introduction to DEVS Standardization", in Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Application, , Gabriel A. Wainer, Pieter Mosterman, Taylor & Françis, ISBN 9781420053364, Chapter 16, pp.393-425, 2010.

[174] WAINER G.A., AL-ZOUBI K., HILL D.R.C., MITTAL S., RISCO MARTÍN J.L., SARJOUGHIAN H, TOURAILLE L., TRAORE M.K., ZEIGLER B.P., "Standardizing DEVS Model Representation", in Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Application, Chapter 17, Gabriel A. Wainer, Pieter Mosterman, Taylor & Françis, ISBN 9781420053364, Chapter 17, pp.427-458, 2010.

[173] REUILLON R., CHUFFART F., LECLAIRE M., FAURE T., DUMOULIN D., HILL D., “Declarative Task Delegation in OpenMole”, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010) IEEE, Caen, June 28 – July 2, pp. 55-62.

[172] INNOCENTI E., LUQUET S., BARRA V., HILL D., “Model Driven Reverse Engineering For a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Simulation Applied To Software Versioning”, ESM 2010, European Simulation, October 25-27, 2010, Hasselt University, Belgium, pp. 199-205.

[171] PASSERAT-PALMBACH J., MAZEL C., MAHUL A., HILL D., “Reliable Initialization of GPU-enabled Parallel Stochastic Simulations Using Mersenne Twister for Graphics Processors”, ESM 2010, European Simulation, October 25-27, 2010, Hasselt University, Belgium, pp. 187-195.

[170] HILL D., MUZY A., ZEIGLER B.P., “Complex Systems: Activity-based Modelling and Simulation”, Cargese CNRS Interdisciplinary Seminar, Blaise Pascal University Press, 163 p.

[169] CAUX J., SIREGARD P., HILL D., “Hash Life algorithm on 3D excitable medium Application to Integrative Biology”, ACM SIGSIM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, 11-1 July, 2010, Ottawa Canada, pp. 387-393.       

[168] TOURAILLE L., TRAORE M.K., HILL D., “Enhancing DEVS Simulation through Template Metaprogramming: DEVS-MetaSimulator”, ACM SIGSIM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, 11-1 July, 2010, Ottawa Canada, pp. 394-402.

[167] Komatsu, T., Tanoue, H., Mohammad, N., Watariguchi, K., Osswald, T., Hill, D. and Miyazaki, N.: Relation between body tilt angle and tail beat acceleration of a small fish, Parapristipoma trilineatum (Threeline grunt), during mobile and immobile periods. Measured with a Micro Data LoggerIn “Global Change: Mankind-Marine Environment Interactions, Proceedings of the 13th French-Japanese Oceano-graphy Symposium” Eds. Ceccaldi H-J., Dekeyser, I., Giraut, M. and Stora, G. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-8630-3_46, 5 p. Springer, Berlin,

[166] HILL D., “Practical Distribution of Random Streams for Stochastic High Performance Computing”, Invited Paper in IEEE, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010), Caen, June 28 – July 2, Keynote speech invited paper, pp. 1-8.

[165] MUZY A., TOURAILLE L., VANGHELUWE H, MICHEL O., TRAORÉ MK., HILL D., "Activity Regions for the Specication of Discrete Event Systems", ACM/SCS: SpringSim Multi-conference, Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Orlando, USA, 2010, 176-182.

[164] TOURAILLE L, TRAORE M.K. and HILL D., SimStudio : une Infrastructure pour la Modélisation, la Simulation et l'Analyse de Systèmes Dynamiques Complexes, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-10-13, 2010, 12 p.

[163] TOURAILLE L, TRAORÉ M.K. and HILL D., "Enhancing DEVS Simulation through Template Metaprogramming", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-10-12, 2010, 9 p.

[162] CAUX J., HILL D. and SIREGAR P., "Titre : Accelerating 3D Cellular automata computation with GP-GPU in the context of integrative biology", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-10-10, 2010, 13 p.

[161] MISSAOUI M., DUGAT-BONY E., HILL D., GOUINAUD C. and PEYRET P., "High Specific Microarrays Oligonucleotide Design for Studying Complex Environments", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-10-05, 32 p.

[160] GRAUX, A. I., SOUSSANA, J. F., BRISSON, N., HILL, D., & LARDY, R. (2009)-. Modelling climate change impacts on grasslands and possible adaptations of liverstock systems. In "Climate Change Congress: Globas Risks, Challenges and Decisions" (I. C. S. E. a. E. Science, ed.), Vol. 6, pp. 242-246. University of Copenhague, Danemark.

[159] INNOCENTI E, SILVANI X., MUZY A., HILL D., "A software framework for fine grain parallelization of cellular models with OpenMP: Application to fire spread", Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol 24, 2009, pp. 819–831.

[158] GRAUX A-I., SOUSSANA J-F., LARDY R., HILL D., “Modélisation du changement climatique sur les prairies”, Sciences (AFAS), n° spécial Changement Climatique et Biodiversité, 2009, pp. 211-225.

[157] HILL D., MUZY A., BARRAUD R., CROZAT B., TROURAILLE L., LECCIA F., “Decision Support System For A Regional Spreadingof A/H1n1 Influenza Virus”, IEEE/Eurosis : European Simulation Multi-Conference,  Oct. 26-28 2009, Leicester, United Kingdom, p. 261-268.

[156] MISSAOUI M., HILL D., PEYRET P., Blastog : a Parallel BLAST-based Software for Functional Microarrays Probe Design using the EGEE Computing Grid, International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications, GCA-WorldComp 2009, Las-Vegas, July 13-16, pp. 126-132.

[155] TOURAILLE L., TRAORE M.K., HILL D. "A Mark-up Language for the Storage, Retrieval, Sharing and Interoperability of DEVS Models". In CD Proceedings of the 2009 ACM/SCS Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, March 22-27, 2009.

[154] HILL D., “Simulation Informatique au Service des Sciences de la Vie”, Université Blaise Pascal, 2009, 210 p.

[153] Touraille L., Traoré M.K., Hill D., "On the Interoperability of DEVS components: On-Line vs. Off-Line Strategies.", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-09-04, 2009, 13 p.

[152] Gouinaud G., Hill D., Peyret P. and Yon L., "Findind spot shape in cdna microarray by using a deformable grid and a Markov segmentation", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-09-02, 2009,  33 p.

[151] MISSAOUI M., HILL D., PEYRET P. Comparison of Algorithms for a Complete Backtranslation of Oligopeptides, 2008, special issue, IJCBDD, International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2008 - Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 26 – 38.

[150] REUILLON R., HILL D., EL BITAR Z. AND BRETON V., Rigorous distribution of stochastic simulations using the DistMe toolkit, IEEE Transactions On Nuclear Science, Vol. 55, No. 1, February 2008, pp. 595-603.

[149] FEILLEE D., DESSAGNE G., HILL D., Dispatching Independent Railway Simulations With Dirs : A Simple Rsh-Based Tool, ESM 2008, 27-29 Octobre, Le Havre, pp. 107-111.

[148] HILL D., MUZY A., BARRAUD R., CROZAT B., MADARY J., LECCIA F., “Design of a spatial and stochastic simulator for bird flu spreading in Corsica”, International Simulation Multi-Conference. Grand Modeling Challange,  16-19 June, 2008, Edinburgh, Scotland, IEEE Catalog # CFP0874E-CDR, SISO/SCS, pp. 445-452.

[147] REUILLON R., HILL D., GOUINAUD C., EL BITAR Z., BRETON V., BUVAT I., “Monte Carlo Simulation With The GATE Software Using Grid Computing”, ACM - NOTERE 2008, New Technologies in Distributed Systems, Lyon, June 23-27th, 2008, pp. 201-204.

[146] A. MUZY, D. HILL, M. JOUBERT, E. INNOCENTI, A post-processed 3D visualization tool for forest fire simulations, IEEE Simutools 2008 Conference Record, Marseille, March 3-7, Marseille, France, ISBN 978-963-9799-20-21, CD Proceedings, 6 p.

[145] FEILLEE D., HILL D., DESSAGNE G., “Vers une approche multi-agents pour la simulation du système ferroviaire français, Revue Génie Logiciel, N° 86, septembre 2008, pp. 22-28.

[144] MILITON C., RIMOUR S., MISSAOUI M., BIDERRE C., BARRA V., HILL D., MONE A., GAGNE G., MEIER H., PEYRETAILLADE E. and PEYRET P., “PhylArray: Phylogenetic Probe Design Algorithm for MicroArray“, Bioinformatics 2007; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm392, Vol. 23, pp. 2550-2557.

[143] HILL D., COQUILLARD P., “Ecological Modelling and Simulation”, in Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling, Paul Fishwick Editor, CRC Press, Chapitre 29, 18p, 2007.

[142] EL BITAR Z., HILL D., BRETON V., BUVAT I., Impact of the choice of functional regions in targeted fully 3D SPECT reconstruction, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, pp. 3491-3494, 2007.

[141] MISSAOUI M., MILITON C., HILL D., PEYRET P., “Complete Backtranslation of Oligopeptides for Metabolic Pathways Exploration of Complex Environments Using Functional Microarrays”, IEEE 7th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Harvard, October 14-17, 2007, pp. 1275-1279.

[140] EL BITAR Z., HILL D., BRETON V., BUVAT I., “Impact of the choice of functional regions in targeted fully 3D SPECT reconstruction”. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, CD Proceedings, 2007.

[139] REUILON R., HILL D., EL BITAR Z., BRETON V., DistMe : A Java Based Toolbox for the Distribution of Parallel Monte Carlo Simulations. Application to Nuclear Medicine Using the GATE Simulation Package, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, June 25–28, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA., pp. 122-127.

[138] SOUSSANA, J.F.; VILE, D.; MAIRE, V.; LOUAULT, F.; BACHELET, B.; PICON-COCHARD, C.; CARRERE, P.; DUMONT, B.; BAUMONT, R.; GASTAL, F.; DURAND, J.L.; HUYGHE, C.; LITRICO, I.; LE ROUX, X.; POLY, F.; CLUZEAU, D.; PERES, G.; HILL, D.; EMILE, J.C.; MEDIENNE, S.; LEADLEY, P.; WIRTH, C.; TEINHOLD, T.; DAEHRING, H. (2007) Diversité biologique et fonctionnement des écosystèmes : interpréter et évaluer des expériences clés en prairie grâce à une modélisation mécaniste (DISCOVER). Acte du séminaire du programme ANR – Biodiversité, 5ème journées de l'IFB, 3-6 décembre 2007, Tours, France. pp. 90-95.

[137] MISSAOUI M., MILITON C., HILL D., GOUINAUD C. and PEYRET P., "PRT: Parallel program for a full backtranslation of oligopeptides", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-07-11, 2007, 19 p.

[136] MISSAOUI M., HILL D. AND PEYRET P., "DegenRev: Degeneracy-Based Full Backtranslation Algorithm for Oligopeptide", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-07-10, 2007, 10 p.

[135] EL BITAR Z., LAZARO D., BRETON V., HILL D., BUVAT I., “Fully 3D Monte Carlo image reconstruction in SPECT using functional regions”. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. 569, 2006, pp. 399-403.

[134] HILL D. KOMATSU T. (Eds), "Environmental Modelling and Simulation", Special Issue of the Simulation Journal, Volume 82, N°7, 70 p.

[133] HILL D. KOMATSU T., "Environmental Modelling and Simulation", Guest Editor’s Introduction, Special Issue of the Simulation Journal, Volume 82, N°7, pp. 425-426.

[132] Z. EL BITAR, Y. PETEGNIEF, D. LAZARO, D. HILL, V. BRETON AND I. BUVAT (2006). Targeted fully 3D Monte Carlo reconstruction in SPECT. IEEE Nuclear Science, Symposium Conference Record 6: pp. 3410-3413, 2006.

[131] DUMOULIN N., FAURE T., HILL D., "Generation of Graphical User Interface by Meta-programming Application to Individual Based Models with Java reflection API and annotations", M&S-MTSA'06, SCS / IEEE Canada, Calgary, pp. 163-169.

[130] REUILLON R. AND HILL D., "A Generic Toolkit for Stochastic Simulation Distribution", European Simulation & Modelling Conference, Toulouse, October 22-25, 2006, pp. 127-133.

[129] REUILLON R., HILL D., BRETON V., EL BITAR Z., BUVAT I. Grid based stochastic simulation for tomographic reconstruction, Nuclear science symposium, IEEE Conference Record, CD, Proceedings, 2006.

[128] HILL D., "La Modélisation", article encyclopédique dans le dictionnaire mondial des images, sous la direction Laurent Gerveau, Editions du Nouveau Monde, 1100 pages format18/28, 59.90 €, 270 auteurs, 400 entrées, 800 illustrations , ISBN : 2-84736-185-5, 2005, p. 680-683.

[127] HILL D., Contribution de 1200 termes dans le dictionnaire : " Modeling and Simulation Dictionary", version Anglaise Française & Turque. Sous la direction de T.I. Ören avec Lucile Torres (coordinatrice), Frédéric Amblard, Jean-Pierre Belaud, Jean Caussanel, Olivier Dalle, Raphaël Duboz, Alain Ferrarini, Claudia Frydman, El-Amine Maâmar Hamri, David Hill, Aziz Naamane, Pierre Siron, Erwan Tranvouez, Gregory Zacharewicz. Modeling and Simulation Dictionary: English-French-Turkish. Marseille, France. Avec le support du Centre Nationale de La Recherche Scientifique, du GDR I3, de l'Université Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III, et du LSIS, ISBN: 2-9524747-0-2, 2005, 286 p.

[126] LAZARO D., EL BITAR Z., BRETON V., HILL D., BUVAT I., "Fully 3D Monte Carlo reconstruction in SPECT : a feasibility study", Phys. Med. Biol. Volume 50,  2005, pp. 3739 -3754.
[125] MAZEL C., LAFARGE M., and HILL D., "An individual-based, stochastic and spatial model to simulate the ramification of grass tillers and their distribution in swards". Simulation Practice & Theory. Volume 13, Issue 4, June 2005, Pages 308-334.    
[124] MUZY A., INNOCENTI E., AÏELLO A., SANTUCCI J.F., SANTONI P.A and HILL D., "Modelling and simulation of ecological propagation processes: application to fire spread", Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2005, pp. 827-842.
[123] RIMOUR S., HILL D., MILITON C. and PEYRET,P. "GoArrays: highly dynamic and efficient microarray probe design, Bioinformatics, Volume 21, Issue 7, April 2005, pp. 1094-1103. 
[122] LAFARGE M., MAZEL C. and HILL D., "A modelling of the tillering capable of reproducing the fine-scale horizontal heterogeneity of a pure grass sward and its dynamics", Ecological Modelling, Volume 183, 2005 pp. 125-141.

[121] MUZY A., INNOCENTI E., HILL D., AÏELLO A., SANTUCCI J-F et SANTONI P.A., “Dynamic structure cellular automata in a fire spreading application”, in Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I,  Editors: José Braz, Helder Araújo, Alves Vieira and Bruno Encarnação, Springer, ISBN: 1-4020-4136-5, pp. 238-245. Sélection du colloque IEEE ICINCO.

[120] HILL D., BARRA V., TRAORE M.K., OICMS 2005: “Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation”, 2005, Clermont-Fd, June 12-15 2005, 458 p.

[119] DOS SANTOS C.N.L., HILL D., “A survey and taxonomy of 3D Vizualization Resources for Bioinformatics”, SCSC 2005, Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Proceedings of SCSC 2005, Cherry Hill, July 24-28, 2005, New Jersey, USA, pp. 345-551.

[118] GIGNOUX J., DAVIS I.D., HILL D., “3Worlds: Design of a generic software Platform for Simulating Multi-scale Ecological Systems. OICMS 2005, Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, 2005, Clermont-Fd, June 12-15, pp. 49-64.

[117] ROBERT A., PRÉVOSTO B., COQUILLARD P., HILL D. “Modelling the colonization dynamics of Scots pine in French areas. Impact of possible atmospheric carbon changes”. OICMS 2005, Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, 2005, Clermont-Fd, June 12-15, pp. 231-239.

[116] REUILLON R., HILL D., “Testing unrolling optimization technique for quasi random numbers”. OICMS 2005, Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, 2005, Clermont-Fd, June 12-15, pp. 355-362.

[115] EL BITAR Z., BUVAT I., BRETON V., LAZARO D., HILL D., “Monte Carlo tomographic  reconstruction in SPECT Impact of bootstrapping and number of generated Events”, OICMS 2005, Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, 2005, Clermont-Fd, June 12-15, 2005, pp. 415-429.

[114] EL BITAR Z., LAZARO D., COELLO C., BRETON V., HILL D. AND BUVAT I., “Fully 3D Monte Carlo image reconstruction in SPECT using functional regions, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences, ITBS2005, Milos, Island, Grèce 2005, pp.

[113] EL BITAR Z., LAZARO D., HILL D., BRETON V., BUVAT I., “Reconstruction tridimensionnelle complète d'images en SPECT-CT par modélisation de Monte Carlo".  44èmes journées Scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale, Avignon 2005, Proceedings sous forme de CD ROM.

[112] PERROCHON L., FORCE C., MAZEL C., HILL D., BAUMONT R., CARRERE P., DUMONT B., "Design of PARIS: an Agent Based Multi-Model of a Grassland Ecosystem Grazed By A Herd Of Ruminants", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-05-14, 2005, 18 p.

[111] REUILLON R., HILL D., "Unrolling optimization technique for quasi random number generators", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-05-09, 2005, 8 p.

[110] DOS SANTOS C.L.N., LEROY P. AND HILL D., "A new visualization tool for Bio- Analysis: Application to wheat and rice comparative genomics", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-05-08, 2005, 12 p.

[109] MAIGNE L., HILL D., BRETON V., REUILLON R., CALVAT P., LAZARO D., LEGRE Y., DONNARIEIX D., “Parallelization Of Monte Carlo Simulations And Submission To A Grid Environment”, Parallel processing letters, Volume 14, N° 2, pp. 177-196.

[108] DUMOND B., HILL D., "Spatially explicit models of group foraging by herbivores : What can Agent Based Models offer ?", Animal research (anc. Annales de Zootechnie), 2004, Volume 53,  pp. 419-428.

[107] HILL D., "Grid Computing & Stochastic Distributed Simulation", European Simulation Multiconference 2004, UNESCO Paris, Article associé au tutorial, October 25-27, 2004, pp. 15-19.

[106] DOS SANTOS C.N.L., HILL D., "The Role of Virtual Reality in Bioinformatics Applications", SCSC2004, Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Proceedings of SCSC, San José, CA, 2004, pp. 507-511.

[105] INNOCENTI E., HILL D., MUZY A., AIELLO A., SANTUCCI JF, SANTONI PA, “Active-DEVS : a computational model for the simulation of forest fire propagation", IEEE Congress on System Man and Cybernetics, October 10-13, 2004, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 1857-1863.

[104] MUZY A., INNOCENTI E., HILL D., AIELLO A., SANTUCCI JF, SANTONI PA, “Dynamic structure cellular automata in a fire spreading application”, présenté à First International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, IEEE – CSS/IFAC/ACM/AAAI/APPIA, Setubal, Portugal, 2004, pp.143-151.

[103] MUZY A., INNOCENTI E., AIELLO A., SANTUCCI J-F., SANTONI P.A., HILL D., "Modelling and simulation of ecological propagation processes application to fire spread", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-04-14, 2004, 34 p.

[102] MUZY A., INNOCENTI E., AÏELLO A., SANTUCCI J-F., SANTONI P.A., HILL D., "Dynamic structure cellular automata in a fire spreading application", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-04-12, 2004, 10 p.

[101] RIMOUR S., HILL D., MILITON C., PEYRET P., "GoArray: Highly Dynamic and Efficient Microarray Probe Design", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-04-10, 2004, 15 p.

[100] DOS SANTOS C.L.N, HILL D. AND LANDAU L., "The Role of Virtual Reality in BioInformatics Applications", UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-04-07, 2004, 11 p.

[99]   PREVOSTO B., HILL D., COQUILLARD P., “Individual-based modelling of Pinus sylvestris invasion after grazing abandonment in French Massif Central.", Plant Ecology, 2003, Vol. 168, pp. 121-137.

[98]   INNOCENTI E., HILL D., MUZY A., AIELLO A., SANTUCCI JF., "Design of a multithreaded parallel model for fire spread", 15th European Simulation Symposium, October 26-29, 2003, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 104-109.

[97]   MUZY A., INNOCENTI E., HILL D., SANTUCCI JF., "Optimization of cell spaces simulation for the modeling of fire spreading", IEEE / ACM 36th Annual Simulation Symposium, March 30 - April 2, 2003, Orlando, Florida, pp. 289-296.

[96]   AMBLARD F., HILL, D., BERNARD S., TRUFFOT J. DEFFUANT G. "MDA compliant Design of SimExplorer, A Software to handle simulation experimental frameworks" in Proceedings of SCSC 2003 Summer Simulation Conference, pp.279-284, Montréal, July 20-24, 2003

[95]   RIMOUR S., HILL D., PEYRET P., "Using distributed computing for the design of oligonucleotides in micro-arrays experiments", Conference Healthgrid, Lyon, France, January 16-17, 2003, article 9 p. + poster pp. 88-96.

[94]   TRAORE M.K., HILL D., Réflexion sur la Théorie de la Simulation, Le statut épistémologique de la simulation, Rencontre inter-disciplinaires sur les systèmes complexes naturels et artificiels, 26 janvier au 3 février 2003, 10ème journée de Rochebrune, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécom Ed.,  pp. 279-297.

[93]   MAZEL C., LAFARGE M., HILL D., “An individual based stochastic and spatialized model to simulate the ramification of grass sprigs and their distribution in swards”, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-03-13, 19 p.

[92]   LAFARGE M., MAZEL C., HILL D., “A modelling of the tillering capable of reproducing the fine-scale horizontal heterogeneity of a pure grass sward and its dynamics”, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-03-12, 25 p.

[91]   TRAORÉ M.K, HILL D., “Random Number Generation in Large Scale Stochastic Simulations”, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-03-11, 2003, 23 p.

[90]   PRÉVOSTO B., HILL D. AND COQUILLARD P., “Individual-based modelling of Pinus sylvestris invasion after grazing abandonment in the French Massif Central”, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-03-10, 2003, 20 p.

[89]   DUMONT B., HILL D., “Spatially explicit models of group foraging by herbivores : What can Agent Based Models offer ?”, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-03-09, 2003, 15 p.

[88]   HILL D., “URNG : A portable optimization technique for software applications requiring pseudorandom numbers”, UMR CNRS 6158, LIMOS/RR-03-08, 2003, 12 p.

[87]   HILL D., "URNG: A portable optimisation technique for every software application requiring pseudorandom numbers", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,  2002, Vol. 11, pp. 643-654.

[86]   FORCE C., PEROCHON P. and HILL D., "Design of a multimodel of a dairy cows herd attacked by mastitis", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 10, Issue 8, 31 December 2002, pp. 543-554.

[85]   HILL D., THIBAULT T., COQUILLARD P., “Predicting Invasive species expansion using GIS & Simulation coupling”, Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 1, N° 1, 2002, pp. 30-35.

[84]   HILL D., RIMOUR S., PEYRET P., "MAGE compliant Object Model for Oligonucleotide Design in Microarray experiments: Application to the eukaryotic parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi", Objects in Bio- & Chem-Informatics, OMG Object Management Group, Washington, DC (USA), November 18-19, pp. 39-44.

[83]   HILL D., “Object-Oriented Modelling And Post-Genomic Biology Programming Analogies”, Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning (AIS 2002), April 7-10, Lisbon, pp. 329-334.

[82]   HILL D. ROCHE A., Benchmark of the unrolling of pseudorandom numbers generators, 14th European Simulation Symposium, October 23-26, 2002, Dresden, Germany, pp. 119-129.

[81]   EDWARDS M., GOREAUD F., BARRETEAU O., FLAVIE C., HILL D., “An Object-oriented model linking hydrological and social processes at an aggregate level”, Agent-Based Simulation, Passau, 7-9 avril 2002, Special Session "Simulation and Environmental Resource Management", pp. 73-78.

[80]   HILL D., “ Propagation de l’algue Caulerpa taxifolia ”, Microscoop CNRS, N°40 Janvier 2002, pp. 6-7. Article court invité.

[79]   PEYRET P., RIMOUR S., HILL D., "Etude des profils d’expression des gènes du parasite eucaryote Encephalitozoon cuniculi par une approche puces à ADN, Journées Ouvertes de Biologie Informatique et Mathématique. St Malo, 10-12 Juin 2002, pp. 165-166.

[78]   PÉROCHON L., CARRÈRE P., BAUMONT R., DUMONT B., MAZEL C., FORCE C., HILL D.R.C., D’HOUR P., LOUAULT F., PRACHE S., SOUSSANA J.F. AND PETIT M. (2002). Design of a spatial multi-agent model of a perennial grassland ecosystem grazed by a herd of ruminants. Pasture Ecology group meeting 31 mai—1juin 2002 – Clermont-Ferrand – France – Résumé + Communication orale.

[77]   HILL D., "Nouveaux défis pour les simulations et les systèmes multi-agents", Présentation d’une conférence invitée, Systèmes multi-agents et systèmes complexes, JFIADSMA 2002,  Hermes-Lavoisier, pp. 13-14.

[76]   BAUMONT R., DUMONT B., CARRERE P., PEROCHON L., MAZEL C., FORCE C., PRACHE S., LOUAULT F., SOUSSANA J.F., HILL D., PETIT M., "Développement d'un modèle multi-agents spatialisé d'un troupeau de ruminants pâturant une prairie hétérogène", Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, (2002), Vol. 9, pp. 69-72.

[75]   DUMONT B., HILL D., “Multi-agent simulation of group foraging in sheep: effects of spatial memory, conspecific attraction and plot size.”, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 141, pp. 201-215, 2001.

[74]   HILL D., COQUILLARD P., AUSSEM A, deVAUGELAS J., THIBAUT T., MEINEISZ A., “Modeling the Ultimate Seaweed”, Simulation, Vol. 76, N°2, pp. 126-134, 2001

[73]   HILL D., COQUILLARD P., "Ecological Modelling Session, 21 papers in 13th European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, N. Giamabiasi Ed. October 18th-20th, 2001, 105 p.

[72]   TRAORE M., HILL D, “The use of random number generation for stochastic distributed simulation: application to ecological modeling”. 13th European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, October 18th-20th, 2001, pp. 555-559.

[71]   AMBLARD F., FERRAND N., HILL D., “Seldon : A modular framework for the design of social simulation models”, 13th European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, October 18th-20th, 2001, pp. 843-847.

[70]   VIDAL V., D'INCAN C., LAPLACE-MARIEZ V., SYLVAIN V., SANNTT O., BAUD V., DEVAL C., BARANOVA H., GOUINAUD C., HILL D., MAZEL C., PETIT J-M, FERRARA M.,  PRADEYROL C., BIGNON Y-J, "Human DNA microarrays for genetic cartography of breast tumors". Lab Chips and microarrays for biotechnical, applications, Zurich, 22-24 Janvier 2001.

[69]   MAZEL C., HILL D., LAFARGE M., “Sistal : a spatial simulation of the local tiller density in monospecific stands of a perennial grass”, 13th European Simulation Symposium, Environmental Science, Modelling & Simulation Session, Marseille, October 18th-20th, 2001, pp. 471-475.

[68]   Perochon L., Beaumont R., Dumont B., D’Hour P., Prache S., Petit M., Carrère P., Louault F, Soussana J.F.S., Force C., Mazel C., HILL D., “Design of a spatial multi-agent multimodel of a perennial grassland ecosystem grazed by a herd of animal”, 13th European Simulation Symposium, Environmental Science, Modelling & Simulation Session, Marseille, October 18th-20th, 2001, pp. 509-513.

[67]   HILL D., MAZEL C., PETIT J-M., GOUINAUD C., AUSSEM A., DAMAY J., D’INCAN C., VIDAL V., BIGNON Y-J. “Design of a Software Environment for the analysis of breast cancer”, Journées Ouvertes de Biologie Informatique et Mathématique. Toulouse, 30 mai au 1er Juin, pp. 77-78.

[66]   DUMONT B., HILL D., BAUMONT R., CARRERE P., MASSON L., MAZEL C. & PEROCHON L., “Modélisation des processus spatiaux d'utilisation de couverts herbacés hétérogènes par les herbivores: Représentation de leur mémoire spatiale”, In : INRA-CIRAD Modélisation du fonctionnement des troupeaux (Faye B. & Ingrand S. Eds.), Millau, 17-18, Décembre 2001, pp 25-32.

[65]   PEROCHON L., AGABRIEL J., BAUMONT R., DEDIEU B., DUCROT C., DUMONT B., FORCE C., HILL D.R.C., INGRAND S., MAZEL C., 2001. Les aller-retour entre connaissances et modèle de simulation. In: B. Faye and S. Ingrand (Editors), Modélisation du Fonctionnement des Troupeaux. INRA-CIRAD - Montpellier Baillarguet, (FRA)., 2001 01 31/2001 02 1. 2, pp. 51-57.

[64]   COQUILLARD P., THIBAUT T., HILL D., GUEUGNOT J., MAZEL C. and COQUILLARD Y., "Simulation of the mollusc Ascoglossa Elysia subornata  population dynamics: application to the potential biocontrol of Caulerpa taxifolia growth in the Mediterranean Sea.", Ecological modelling, Vol 135, pp. 1-16, 2000.

[63]   AUSSEM A., HILL D., “Neural networks metamodelling for the prediction of Caulerpa taxifolia development in the Mediterranean sea'', Neurocomputing Letters, Neurocomputing, Vol 30, pp 71-78, 2000.

[62]   HILL D . "Contribution à la modélisation des systèmes complexes : application à la simulation d’écosystèmes.", Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université Blaise Pascal, 123 p. 2000.

[61]   CAMPOS A., CORBARA  B., HILL D., "Using web-based facilities in remote simulation for agent behavior prototyping and result analysis". International Conference on Web-based Modeling and Simulation, R. Signorile, Curtis Blais, January 23-27, 2000, San Diego, USA, pp. 69-74.

[60]   HILL D., Coquillard P., Garcia B., Traore M.K., Mazel C., Campos A. T. THIBAULT, Multimodeling and Object-oriented Design Patterns Application to Bio-control Simulation”, Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation 2000, Arizona, March 2000, pp. 219-228.

[59]   THIBAUT T., HILL D., COQUILLARD P., The need for modelling in the management of an invasive species; the case of Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean Sea. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO 2000) Aquatic Sciences Meeting. June 5-9, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark.

[58]   HILL D., MECHOUD S., CAMPOS A., COQUILLARD P., GUEUGNOT J., ORTH D., MICHELIN Y., POIX C, L’HOMME G., CARRERE P., LAFARGE M., LOISEAU P., MICOL D., BRUN J.P., DECUQ F., DUMONT B., PETIT M. ET TEUMA M. (2000). “ Modélisation de l’entretien du paysage par les herbivores en moyenne montagne : une approche multi-agents ”, Ingénieries-EAT , Vol 21, pp. 63-75.

[57]   Vidal V., D'Incan C., Santt O., Laplace-Marieze V ., Delgado-Viscogliosi P., Baud V., Deval C., Baranova H. , Champagnac S, Mazel C., Hill D., Albuisson E., Ferrara M., Pradeyrol C., Bignon Y-J., "Les biopuces en Auvergne: aspects techniques et bioinformatiques", Bulletin du cancer volume 87, n°5 mai 2000, p. 411. « Short Note » avec comité de lecture.

[56]   AUSSEM A., HILL D., “Wedding connectionist and algorithmic modelling”, Ecological modelling, 1999, Vol. 120, pp. 225-236.

[55]   FISHWICK P., HILL D. (Eds.),  “Web-based Simulation”, Special Issue of the Simulation Journal, Guest Editor's Introduction, Journal, 1999, Vol 72, N°3, 60 p.

[54]   FISHWICK P., HILL D., “Introduction to the special issue on Web-based Simulation”, Guest Editors, Special Issue of the Simulation Journal, 1999, Vol 72, N°3, p. 4.

[53]   COQUILLARD P., HILL D. R. C., VAUGELAS J. de, MEINESZ A, "Modelling & simulating Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. agardh in the north-western mediterranean sea : results and perpectives", United Nations European Program proceedings of the workshop on Invasive Caulerpa species in the mediterranean, Heraklion, Crete (Greece), 18-20 march 1998. MTS; 125, UNEP Athens 1999, pp. 159-175.

[52]   VAUGELAS de J., MEINESZ A., COQUILLARD P., HILL D., "Modéliser Caulerpa taxifolia  pour prévoir sa distribution et simuler les opérations d'éradication locale", Third International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia , Boudouresque C.-F., Meinesz A.,et Gravez V. edit, GIS Posidonie Publ., 1999, pp.  63-67.

[51]   Prevosto B. Coquillard P., Gueugnot J., Hill D., "Modeling of Sylver birch growth at mountain level on volcanic soils. Second International Workshop on Functional-Structural Tree Models, INRA (Eds), Clermont-Ferrand, 1999, 95 p.

[50]   Hill D., Coquillard P., de Vaugelas J., Meinesz A., "An algorithmic Model for Invasive Species Application to Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh development in the North–Western Mediterranean Sea". Ecological modelling, Vol. 109, pp. 251-265, 1998.

[49]   HILL D., VIGOR E., "Dealing with Distributed Dilemmas", Application Development Advisor (remplace Object Expert), Vol 1, N° 4, pp. 60-63, 1998.

[48]   CAMPOS A., HILL D., “An Agent Based Framework for Visual-Interactive Ecosystem Simulations”, Simulation Transactions of the SCS, Vol 15, N°4, pp. 139-152, 1998.

[47]   Fishwick P., Hill D., Smith R., “International Conference on Web-based Modeling and Simulation”, SCS/ACM San Diego, Jan 11-14 1998, 203 p.

[46]   HILL D., DUMONT B., ROUX C., “Modelling spatial memory of sheep at pasture with multi-agents”, SCS European Simulation Symposium, Manchester 16-19 Juin, 1998, pp. 348-352.

[45]   CAMPOS A., HILL D., “Web-based Simulation of Agent Behaviors”, SCS International Conference on Web-based Modeling and Simulation ”, 11-14 Janvier, San Diego, USA, pp. 9-14, 1998. 

[44]   HILL D., VIGOR E., “Simulation and Software Engineering : bridging the culture gap with UML”, SCS Object-Oriented Simulation Conference, January  11-14, San Diego, USA, pp. 81-87, 1998.

[43]   PERROCHON L., FORCE C., HILL D., COULON J.B., GASQUI P., "Simulation à l’aide d’un modèle individu centré de l’impact des mammites sur les performances des vaches laitières", Actes de la Conférence SMAGET organisée par le CEMAGREF et l’ENGREF, 1998, pp. 39-50.

[42]   Mechoud S., Hill D., Campos A., Orth D., Carrere P., Micol D., Poix C., Michelin Y., Coquillard P., DUMONT B., “ Simulation Multi-Agents de l’entretien du paysage par des herbivores en moyenne montagne”, Actes de la Conférence SMAGET organisée par le CEMAGREF et l’ENGREF, 1998, pp. 65-78.

[41]   MICHELIN Y. ORTH D., L'HOMME G COQUILLARD P., GUEUGNOT J., HILL D., MICOL D., LOISEAU P., LAFARGE M., CARRERE P., TEUMA M. (1998) Gestion des espaces enfrichés par des bovins et des équins : présentation d’une recherche pluridisciplinaire. Fourrages, 1998, Vol. 153, pp. 115-123.

[40]   HILL D., COQUILLARD P., De VAUGELAS J., "Discrete-Event Simulation of Alga Expansion", Simulation, Vol. 68, N°5, pp. 269-277, 1997.

[39]   HILL D, VAUGELAS J., CAMPOS A., MEYER U., "Visual Object-Oriented Simulation of Posidonia Oceanica Growth", 9th SCS European Simulation Symposium, October 19-23, 1997, Passau, Germany.  pp. 291-296.

[38]   HILL D., "Object-Oriented Pattern for Distributed Simulation of Large Scale Ecosystems", SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 13-17, 1997, Arlington, USA, pp. 945-950.

[37]   COQUILLARD P., HILL D., “Modélisation et Simulation des Ecosystèmes”, Masson, 1997, 273 p.

[36]   VAUGELAS J. DE, A. MEINESZ, P. COQUILLARD & D. HILL., "A computer simulation to evaluate the impact of Caulerpa taxifolia on Mediterranean biodiversity", Vie et Milieu, 1997, Volume 47, n°4, pp. 397-400.

[35]   HILL D., "Introduction à la Simulation par Objets", L’objet, 1997, Hermes, Vol. 3, N° 1. pp. 53-63.

[34]   COQUILLARD P., GUEUGNOT J., HILL D., MAHY G., "Une nouvelle classe de simulateurs à contraintes spatiales", Tendances nouvelles en modélisation pour l'environnement ”, Alain Pavé Editeur, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 255-265. (Sélectionné d’un colloque CNRS Environnement Vie et Société – cité des sciences 1996).

[33]   HILL D., "Modélisation des processus d’expansion : application à Caulerpa taxifolia", Conférence Internationale sur la “ Dynamique des Espèces invasives ”, 13-15 mars 1997, Paris, Académie des Sciences. Tec & Doc, pp. 219-230, 1997.

[32]   COQUILLARD P., HILL D., MAZEL C., GUEUGNOT J., “Application de l’analyse spectrale à l’étude de la répartition spatio-temporelle d’événements générés par simulation”, Les Temps de l’Environnement, Journées CNRS du PIREVS, 5-7 novembre, 1997, Toulouse, pp. 455-463.

[31]   MAZEL C., HILL D., COQUILLARD P., “Interprétation des résultats de couplage de Systèmes d’Information Géographiques et d’outils de simulation discrète d’écosystèmes”, Conférence Européenne sur l’Informatique pour l’Environnement, INRIA Ed., pp. 598-607, 1997.

[30]   HILL D., “Object-oriented Analysis and Simulation”, Addison-Wesley, 291 p.

[29]   HILL D., "On Quality of Life Variables in Environmental Modeling", Simulation, Vol. 67, N°4, pp. 294-296, 1996.

[28]   HILL D., MAZEL C., COQUILLARD P., “Integrating V&V in the object-oriented life cycle of ecological modelling simulation projects”. 8th SCS European Simulation Symposium, Oct. 24-26, 1996, Genova, Italy, Volume II pp. 21-25.

[27]   MAZEL C., HILL D., BRUNNER O., "Optimization of Forest Expansion Simulations with an Object-Oriented approach of Spatial Aspects", 22nd ASU Conference in Object-Oriented Modelling & Simulation, July 15-17, 1996, Clermont-Ferrand, France, pp. 145-158.

[26]   VAUGELAS J. de, MEINESZ A., COQUILLARD P., HILL D., "A partir de quel seuil peut-on modéliser une diminution de la biodiversité ?", Colloque du Réseau Biodiversité Marine : Biodiversité en milieu dispersif. 18-20 Novembre 1996. Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 43 p.

[25]   HILL D. Science et Vie N° 949, octobre 96 : “ le casse tête de la modélisation ”, pp. 92-93 ; dans le dossier “ L’écologie fait sa révolution scientifique ”, pp. 84-99, 1996.

[24]   COQUILLARD P., GUEUGNOT J., HILL D., MAHY G., "Une nouvelle classe de simulateurs a contrainte spatiale", Articles du Colloque CNRS “ Tendances nouvelles en modélisation pour l'environnement ” sélectionné en 1997 pour un ouvrage du même nom, Elsevier Ed, pp. 255-265, 1996.

[23]   HILL D., MAZEL C., KELLERT P., COQUILLARD P., "Modèles Dynamiques d’écosystèmes et Simulation à événement discrets", Colloque CNRS Tendances nouvelles en modélisation pour l'environnement. Paris, Janvier 15-17, pp. 117-123, 1996.

[22]   HILL D., “Verification and Validation of Ecosystem Simulation Models”, In proceedings of the SCS Summer Simulation Conference, July 24-26, 1995, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 176-182.

[21]   HILL D., COQUILLARD P., VAUVELAS J. MEINESZ A., “A stochastic model with spatial constraints”, EUROSIM Congress, September 11-15, 1995, Vienna, Austria, pp. 999-1004.

[20]   ATTOUI A., HILL D., “A Specification and Validation Method to Improve Concurrent Systems Reliability Based on Object Messaging and Rewriting Logic”. Article + Poster, International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, IEEE / CNRS, Toulouse, France, 24-27 Octobre 1995, pp. 387-392.

[19]   HILL D., “Computer Simulation of Caulerpa Taxifolia Spreading”, Coastal Ecosystem Protection & Restoration Conference, 2-6 Nov 1995, TOKYO University, Ocean Research Institute, 1995.

[18]   COQUILLARD P. HILL D. GUEUGNOT J., “Simulation d’Ecosystèmes et Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques : une interactivité nécessaire”, Acte de la conférence Nationale des Parcs Naturels de France, pp. 39-46, 18 Janvier, Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne, 1995.

[17]   HILL D. COQUILLARD P. GUEUGNOT J., “Object-Oriented Modelling for Forest Growth Simulation Environments”, Object Technology 95, 27-29 March, Oxford, United-Kingdom, 1995.

[16]   COQUILLARD P., HILL D., "Object-oriented Simulation of Scots Pine Growth interactions", in J. McLeod Simulation in the Service of Society, Simulation vol 65, N°6, December, p. 411. (« Short Note »  sélection d’un article de la Summer Simulation Conference, 1995, July 24-26, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 917-923), 1995.

[15]   MICHELIN Y., COQUILLARD P., HILL D., L'HOMME G., LOISEAU P., MICOL D. “Sustainable herbivores production and ecological land use in mountains areas a multidiciplinary approach”. IV International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, Clermont-Ferrand, 11-15 Septembre, 1995.

[14]   HILL D., “Object-oriented Modelling and Simulation”, In TOOLS 13 tutorial notes, Versailles, France, 7-10 Mars 1994, pp. 96-101.

[13]   HILL D.,  PASTRE J.,  COQUILLARD P., GUEUGNOT J., “Design of an Ecosystem Modelling Environment : Application to Forest Growth Simulation”, CISS 94, Joint Simulation Societies, Zurich, Switzerland, August 22-26 1994, pp. 538-544.

[12]   HILL D., COQUILLARD P., VAUVELAS J. MEINEZ A., "Simulation sur ordinateur de l'expansion de l'algue Tropicale Caulerpa taxifolia en Méditerranée, Résultats préliminaires", 2nd International Conference on Caulerpa Taxifolia, Dec. 11-15, Barcelone, pp. 119-127, 1994

[11]   HILL D., GOURGAND M., “A Multi-Domain Tool for Object-Oriented Simulation”, In TOOLS 10 Prentice Hall, Versailles, France, pp. 181-195, 1993.

[10]   HILL D., “Enhancing the QNAP2 O-O Language for Manufacturing Modelling”, SCS European Simulation Multi-Conference, Lyon, 1993, France, pp. 171-175.

[9]     HILL D., “Analyse Orientée-Objets et Modélisation par Simulation”, Addison-Wesley, 1993, 362 p.


Alphabetical order used in my research team at the beginning of my career:

[8]     GOURGAND M., HILL D., KELLERT P., “Object-Oriented Simulation Animation Builder”, 26th Annual Simulation Symposium IEEE/SCS/ACM, Washington, USA, March 29 - April 1st. pp. 237-246, 1993.

[7]     GOURGAND M., HILL D., “Object-Oriented modelling and design methodology for simulation animation”. SCS the European Simulation Multiconference, York, UK, June 1-3, 1992, pp. 256-261.

[6]     HILL D., “Etude de quelques concepts pour une analyse et une conception par objets”, Actes du Congrès INFORSID, Clermont-Ferrand. FRANCE, Mai 19-22, pp. 307-326, 1992.

[5]     BREUGNOT D, GOURGAND M, HILL D., KELLERT P., “GAME: An O-O Approach to Computer Animation and Flexible Manufacturing System Modelling”, In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Simulation Symposium IEEE / SCS / ACM, New Orleans USA, April 1-5, 1991, pp. 217-227.

[4]     CAUX C., GOURGAND M.,  HILL D., “Petri Net Simulation and Animation in a Graphical Object-Oriented Environment”, Parallel and Distributed Sytems Conference 91, Trani. ITALY, September 10-13, 1991, pp. 359-362.

[3]     GOURGAND M., HILL D., KELLERT P., TOURRON P., “Environnement orienté objet d’animation de simulation de systèmes de production sur station de travail Unix”, Actes d’Interface des mondes réels et virtuels, Montpellier. FRANCE, Mars 1991, pp. 423-435.

[2]     GOURGAND M. HILL D., “Petri Nets to OCCAM 2 translation techniques”, Parallel Distributed and Concurrent Systems 90, New York, USA, Oct 10-12, 1990, pp. 319-320.

[1]     GOURGAND M. HILL D., “Petri Nets Modelling on Transputers”, SCS European Simulation Symposium ESS 90, Ghent. BELGIUM, Nov 8-10, 1990, p. 143-148.