Publications in journals, proceedings, books… (image click for books)


Verified publications are given below (updated approximatively every year –Automatic harvesting programs from Physics (work with colleague at CERN) generate some confusion in HAL because of different author forms (D HILL, D. R HILL, D. RC HILL…) despite the recent use of ORCID: 0000-0003-2820-2766).


·  Journal and conference papers, conference proceedings, book chapters and posters.

·  Invited Talks and Tutorials.

David Hill

David R.C. Hill

David Hill Benny

Research & Teaching Interests

David Hill

David R.C. Hill

David Hill Benny

Main Scientific Interests:

·  Discrete Modeling and Simulation,

·  High Performance Computing,

·  Reproducible Research,

·  Software and Model Engineering,

·  Life Science Research,

·  Artificial Intelligence,
·  Quantum computing.

·  Ethics in Research & Computer Science

Current Applications Domains:


·  Simulation Practice and Theory,

·  Particle Physics (with CERN),

·  Ecological & environmental Modeling,
·  Medicine and nuclear medicine.

Teaching in Computer Science:

·  High Performance Computing,

·  Sustainable computing,

·  Ethics for Computer Science and AI,

·  Algorithm and optimization,

·  Discrete and Stochastic Simulation,

·  Model Driven Engineering,

·  Object-oriented modeling and programming,

·  UML and Software Engineering tools.


Teaching in Biology and Philosophy of Science:


·  Ethics and sustainable development,

·  Ecological Modeling
·  Environmental Modeling,
·  Bioinformatics.

David R.C. Hill

David Hill Benny

Short Biography


David Hill (Ph.D.) is doing his research at the French Centre for National Research (CNRS) UMR 6158 in the LIMOS laboratory. He is currently head of a graduate track at Clermont-Auvergne INP (with 4 master degrees taught in English – selective scholarships are proposed for international students). Most of his teaching is done at ISIMA a French ‘Grande Ecole d’Ingénieur’ (an Engineering School), but he also teaches at UCA (from the Bachelor to the Doctoral level). David Hill has supervised and co-supervised 28 PhD students, including research at CERN (2019-2022). He authored or co-authored more than 280 papers and has also published several text books.